Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, known as the "King of Bollywood," is set to make a grand appearance at Dubai's Global Village on Sunday, January 26, 2025, as part of the destination's 29th season celebrations. This event coincides with the actor's 29-year journey in the film industry.
The much-anticipated performance will take place on the main stage at 8:30 PM, offering fans a rare opportunity to witness the iconic star in action. Attendees can expect Shah Rukh Khan to showcase his signature dance moves, adding to the excitement of the evening.
Entry Details:
The event is included in the standard Global Village ticket price of Dhs25, making it accessible to all visitors.
Event Highlights:
- Live performance by Shah Rukh Khan.
- Interactive games, trivia competitions, and surprise activations.
- Celebration of the actor's cinematic milestones, including his breakout role in the 1995 classic Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, which continues to run daily in a Mumbai cinema.
Global Village, which started as a small setup in 1996 during the Dubai Shopping Festival, has grown into a sprawling 17.2-million-square-foot multicultural destination in Dubailand. This season alone, it will host over 40,000 shows, with Shah Rukh Khan's appearance poised to be a highlight.
For more information about Global Village's 29th season and other events, check out their official website or Instagram page.